State Level Total Health Care Expenditure (PMPY)* - All Years 


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* Separate from spending on medical services and benefits, the benchmark process estimates insurers’ net cost of private health insurance. This applies only to insurers and the respective markets and/or lines of business they participate in. Not all insurers participate in the same markets or lines of business. Net cost of private health insurance represents the difference between insurers’ premium revenues and their expenditures on member benefits and services. It is intended to capture the insurers’ administrative and operating costs as well as any gains/losses. •Insurers were asked to report their premium revenues and/or paid expenditures net of any applicable risk corridors, settlements, medical loss ratio rebates or other payments to/from entities. Administrative and operating costs vary by line of business based contractual requirements, needs of members, complexity of care, etc. Therefore, comparisons across insurance products is not recommended and the focus should be on the year-over-year changes within a product line. Medicaid and Medicare are inclusive of both fee-for-service and managed care. Spending is net of pharmacy rebates. **Estimated number of enrollees was used to compute PMPY values.


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